Friday 2nd December, 2005. 8.37pm. Useta have a swelled head from the *dreaded
pred* but NOW it's swelled 'cause of this. LOL. I am sooooo pumped & on a natural high. Thank U Sue.
Ya gotta click on it & check out the Signatures Sue's created, absolutely
beautiful. 2 night I finally decided on the 1's that I would like.
Saturday 17th December, 2005 when I checked me mail they were there. Woo Hoo.......Absolutely
LUV 'EM.......THANK U THANK U THANK U Sue. U iz 2 deadly woman.
Sue made the Jazlyn one 2 FANTASMAGORIKLE
Az a child of GOD, prayer is kinda like callin home evreeday.
Our children R the future of the world, nurture
their minds.
In yaself |
1 stick can B
broken ~ a handfull 2gether can't B broken ~ In Solidarity iz Strength.
I leave with U,
My peace
I give U;
not az the
world gives do I give 2 U.
Let not
U’re heart B troubled,
let it B afraid.”
John 14:27