The name on me Birth Certificate iz Lynn Welsh. 4 some reason
me Uncle Hubert always called me Lynette, BLESS HIM. I'm a '58 girl. Born @ Gulargambone District Hospital.
means **Watering place of many birds**
Central School: 1964~'70
Then I waz
fostered 2 the Nierop family (Deirdre, Klaas, Dirk, Nicky, Sarina & Annemieke) @ Clairville Beach on Sydney's
Northern Beaches. I remember Dadda walkin me 2 the train station @ Gular Rail. He waz carryin a little brown school case with
some of me clothes. I didn't want 2 let go of hiz hand. One of hiz sista's waz already on the train & she chaperoned me.
All I remember from the train ride waz sittin @ Lithgow Station eatin scones & drinkin tea. It waz night time when
we got 2 Central Station in Sydney. I remember 'em takin me via Martin Place where there waz this humungous Christmas
Tree, decorated with every coloured light of the rainbow. Unreal.
Avalon Public School
Class 6JA - 1971
Top Row: (damaged: Colin Moran; Damon Merriman;) Warren Evans; Peter Mitchell; Tim
Edwards; Michael Green; Richard Fodgen; Scott Robinson; John Van Roosmarlen
2ND Row: (damaged: Mr. John Armstrong-Teacher;) Guy Smith; Michael
Whitmore; Terry Muir; Cindy Hicks; Ann Dunk; Sandra Marlin; Lyn Welsh; Colin Wenzel;
3RD Row: Sally Hoof; Kathie Thornton; Terri Bertrand; --??-- ;Judy Cookson; Katy Bracey; Diane Butner;
Front Row: Peter Dick; Ian Anderson; Peter Bailey; Shane Mabbott; Richard Crane; Jeff Imoson
Compiled by Peter Dick, September 2007; corrections invited!
thing happened when I waz playin Netball on the quad @ Avalon Public School. I fell ova & grazed me knee. When I looked
up, all these white faces were eyeballin me knee ~ seein az I waz the only Koori they could not believe we
had RED BLOOD 2**
Back Right ~ Dee, Kim, Rob (BESTEST Coach eva) Gill, Linda, Me, Alison, Josie, Sue.
1971 the BESTEST Netball Team eva. We took out the comp 4 our age group.. Havin
repeated & still in 6th class afta movin from Gulargambone, all these girls were up in High School. We only played on the
Have a real shitty look on me there. It waz our grandfinal & B4 the game started,
someone said somethin & I packed up me stuff, hooked it across the field & jumped on a bus. Next thing I know Sue
iz squattin Bside me on the bus talkin 2 me. Went back, played & won.
Neva eva played another game of Netball.
Taken sometime in '73~'74 on the Hawkesbury River. I think it may of been @
the Basin??? That's me in the back touchin Jodie the dog, Dirk beside me, Nicky in front of him, Sarina in front & dear
Annemieke, RIP little sis.
I found out years later that afta I left Dadda sent me younger
sista's & bro's 2 live with one of his sista's. Don't know what he did or where he went but later on the Thomet family
(Rosemarie, Francis, Ruthellen & Cesar) took me 4 a visit where Dadda waz managin a property jus outta Willow Tree. Me
older sis Pam waz there & besides takin care of the housework she looked afta the younger ones, Warren, Coral, Rod &
Brookvale Technical College: Secretarial Course 1976
Tis the story of how I met me hubby. I havta add that the bro mentioned
I now consider a friend.
Me nic KIRKY waz given 2 me in the early '80's
by a bloke called Jack (May he finally B @ peace with the Lord). I had a lot of time 4 Jack, till the night he threw
his defacto wife across me kitchen table. I will neva 4get the last time I saw & spoke 2 him B4 he committed suicide.
His last words will haunt me 4eva. I'm only now dealin with issues from the whole Jack & Didy bizo. BTW they
were a non-indigenous couple.
NSW Police & Dept of Correctional
Services 4 a 2 day course on FAMILY VIOLENCE Awareness Training 4 Aboriginal & Torres Strait
Islander Communities. 2 late 2 help Didy but not 4 a coupla other ladies. It really does a number on me head that a person
who claims they LUV 'em can perpetrate such atrocities on 'em.
Kerry Reed-Gilbert of Kurracca Consultancy 4 a 2 day course on Aboriginal Culture, History & Heritage as part of
her Training Program.
I laughed, I cried,
& I learned more than I had in all me 30 years plus 'bout me people the 1st Peoples of this amazin land THEY call
Oz. It inspired me 2 learn more. I also came away with a mighty powerful feelin of knowin WHO I waz & WHERE
I came from. A proud Koori woman who iz a descendant of the original custodians of this land THEY call Oz. U empowered me & made
me feel I belong.
Sistagirl I wish U a very very long life so U can keep spreadin that magic & as we say.......U
iz 2 deadly.
Click here 4 Kerry
All time fav joke.......
3 tough mice
Three mice were sitting at a bar talking about how tough
they were.
The first mouse slams a shot and says, "I play with mouse
traps for fun. I'll run into one on purpose and as it is closing on me, I grab the bar and bench press it 20 to 30 times."
And, with that, he slams another shot.
The second mouse slams a shot and says, "That's nothing.
I take those poison bait tablets, cut them up, and snort them, just for the fun of it." And, with that, he slams another shot.
The third mouse slams a shot, gets up, and walks away.
The first two mice look at each other, then turn to the
third mouse and ask, "Where the hell are you going?"
The third mouse
stops and replies, "I'm going home to shag the cat."
Diagnosed with the Paranoid kind. 4 me personally it waz a relief
2 have a NAME 4 me weird ways & thoughts. Plus a BONUS there were meds 4 it. I have truly been blessed that both
times me meds were the right ones 4 me.
Click here 4 where I went 20.8.97, strapped on a gurney, in a Ambo, with a Police escort.
MEMORIES I wanna share from Bloomfield.......
Me 1st
mornin in the ACUTE part of Canobolas Clinic, I finally ventured out 2 the small enclosed courtyard &
on the wall waz the outline of the Koori Flag in black texta. The feelin that gave me, knowin some of me mob had been
here B4 me I jus can't put in2 words. BTW it waz a GOOD feelin tinged with a bit of SADDNESS.......
can still see me right foot as I lifted it up 2 go in2 *THAT ROOM* (ya know the one that's all PADDED).......standin
in the middle of it & slowly turnin round & round & thinkin @#$% me dead girl U're in TROUBLE.......BIG
TROUBLE. The tears were rollin as I walked out.......
Standin @
that locked wooden door, face pressed up against the tiny glass window & seein me hubby, daught & son walkin down
the hall 2wards me would have2 go down as the BESTEST mo of me life.......
me release from Bloomfield me meds were 5mg Haloperidol (Haldol)~1mg Benztropine (Cogentin) & later on they were reduced.
In June '04 me current Pdoc (Psychiatrist) switched me 400mg Seroquel. CHANGED ME LIFE. Of the 3 me's.......the 1 B4
bein diagnosed ~ the 1 on Haldol ~ I really LUV this 1.
the LUV & SUPPORT from Family, Friends, Dr's, the Mental Health Team @ Currajong House Parkes & the RIGHT
MEDS 4 ME haz helped no end 2 get me where I am 2day. Only wish ALL me fellow Schiz sufferers were so BLESSED
BITCH TIME. The media &
how they portray people with mental illnesses SUCKS BIG TIME. Thank goodness 4 this mob below.
& as some1 once said:
Dance like there's nobody
LUV like ya neva been
Sing like nobody's listenin'. Live like it's heaven on earth.
or Winston dependin on what he's up 2. He's a Sydney Silky Terrier & will 10 years old in ‘06. GOD BLESS HIM.
waz originally bought 4 the daught, when she broke up with some fellah in High School. When she went on hol's 2 the coast,
he stayed home & bonded with me.
I go, he goes & if he's not welocme then don't expect me.
says he's gonna trip me arse ova tit, the way he runs round me feet when I walk.
does all hiz maintenance, feedin & groomin but it's me he LUV's & cries 4 when I'm outta sight. I'd B lost without
him 2.
Oh & he haz
this funny little quirk when he haz 2 do a number 2.......he backs up 2 trees/bushes/posts & lifts up one of hiz back they do when doin a pee. LOL
TRENDY & the model of her that hubby built. |
1st car TRENDY a '68 HK Holden.
Bought 17.12.91
when we were ova in Forbes doin our shoppin. We called round 2 some friends Nookie & Chris. Nookie took hubby a cupla
houses up 2 start up a car that waz outta rego BUT needed 2 B turned ova every now & then.
hubby found out it waz 4 sale he got me 2 go have a look. It waz LUV @ 1st sight & I instantly named her TRENDY
'cause of the stripe down her side. $600 less in hubby's wallet & TRENDY waz mine. Off we went 2 a mechanic &
the RTA (Roads & Traffic Authority) 2 get her registered.
our travels 2 get TRENDY registered we found out TRENDY came with a bit of history, which explained the weird
looks we got when cruisin round Forbes.
last night that the previous owner drove TRENDY, she waz ova the limit alcohol wise & drove TRENDY
half way in2 Lake Forbes. She later spent a lot of $$$$ gettin' TRENDY roadworthy afta the water damage BUT
lost her license.
on in '96 when I pulled up @ me minya-(friend) Merrell's, house in Parkes, a young girl came out sayin I knew I
recognized that sound~ It's me Mum's old car.
TRENDY has a very unique gutsy sound which a lot of car Luver's
all the years & miles we've driven TRENDY, she neva eva let us down.
TRENDY waz parked in our backyard, put undercover & iz awaiting the grandsons 18th when I hand him the keys. @ the mo
he's 3 & enjoys goin out there with his Poppy JJ to turn her ova & move her. He proudly claims that TRENDY
iz his car.
FLASH afta seein the different cars & bein asked Y Trendy wasn't in this years Chrissy Street Parade we
R gonna enter Trendy in it next year. Yep Poppy JJ will drive with Nickie noodle beside him. I'll sit in the back with Winnie
on me lap so's he can poke himself out the window & show off hiz reindeer ears & the red & green jacket I'm
gonna knit him.
Go on, click on the SEA EAGLE & check out the BEST FOOTY TEAM
Click here 2 C me collection of Manly Stuff.
Click on KITTENWAR & U'll see Oakie me 1st Kitten & how she's doin. Back in '78 we were livin @ "WOMBEYAN"
a farm outta Bogan Gate. NSW. Oztralia.I got her off me lil sis Coral, from her cat Kitty's litter. She waz the 1st cat that
hubby eva liked & tolerated. When Oakie waz preggos durin the night she'd jump on our bed & sleep between us. One
night we felt somethin wet & cold. YEP she waz givin birth 2 her 1st litter. 4 of 'em. Afta she'd finished cleanin the
1st 1, I waz lookin @ it & realized it had no tail. WELL I screamed & started 2 cry. Hubby calmed me down & explained
'bout& the MANX cat thingy & that it waz OK. The father of 'em waz this real humungous FERAL TOM. We caught him 1day
in the backroom of the farm house. Man did he chuck a mental when he spotted us. We saw him off & on 4 the next coupla
years then nothin.
CLICK HERE 4 where I blog